Off Campus Resources for Professional Learning
•The Academic Senate of California Community Colleges has an ongoing calendar of excellent events:
•Our statewide faculty union, CCA-CTA, also has events most of the year, specifically for CC faculty:
•CCC Professional Learning Network. This is the Vision for Success project supporting the Guided Pathways framework. Register to access resources.
•Faculty Association of California Community Colleges, FACCC, advocates for all faculty and for students in Sacramento. It’s a membership organization that has conferences on many topical issues relating to CC work, and Gavilan’s own Dr. Debra Klein is its president-elect.
•@ONE,, a great resource for all teaching and learning on-line.
•3CSN, the visionary people who brought us wonderful innovations including Habits of Mind, Communities of Practice, and Reading Apprenticeship, hold conferences all over the state on better ways to plan and implement community college education. Kyle Hull of Gavilan’s English Department is a trainer; contact him at or go online at
•A Gavilan faculty member recommends the Outreach and Technical Assistance Network for Adult Educators,, which has some great tools for online teaching and adult education resources.